45. What other places have you visited within your country? Wu Ba Jiu: has been to many cities in China (often as a village official). Sons: have been to Kunming, the provincial capital. 46. Where have you visited outside the country? We have never been out of the country. Communications 47. What types of media are you exposed to? How do you get local and world news? Does it matter to you? The news is important to us. We watch the news on TV. 48. How many radios, TVs, stereos, and VCRs do you own? The TV is common property. Wu Ba Jiu: Radio. Wu Wen De: Cassette recorder. Wu Wen Bin: Radio, cassette recorder. 49. What do you watch on TV, and for how many hours/day? Wu Ba Jiu: 2 hours Guo Yu Xian: 2 hours Wu Wen De: 3 hours Li Jian Chun: 4 hours Wu Wen Bin: 2+ hours Li Rong: 1 1/2 hours 50. How many telephones do you own? None. 51. If you read, what do you read? Novels, kung fu, romance. 52. Are you politically active? Wu Ba Jiu: I go to political meetings. Sons do not go.